Operating A Globally Tuned Legal Department Masterclass 2025(CAPE TOWN)

Embark on an extraordinary 5-day journey of immersive learning, guided by the Authority on the subject, to unlock the pinnacle of the best Legal practices.


This 5- day course, underpinned and supported by the manual, offers practical and holistic guidance on how to build an outstanding legal team, including:
how you go about selecting the right people, how you train, nurture and develop your people, maximizing the efforts which are made collectively by all within the team, in both an individual and a holistic manner, who the team should partner with, ensuring that it collectively selects working and value add partners or advisors, who can complement the team members providing substantial
and reliable advice on topics which the team is not equipped to deal with, such as pension fund or competition laws, knowing that these are matters are ones which are most likely best left to the experts.


Importantly the course looks at change and the management of change and how one deals with the many forms of change.
The insights provided over the 5 – day course share and offer up sound advice on how one sets about building a legal structure that allows one’s operational team to work collaboratively, with minimal risk while maintaining focus and generating efficiencies.
This course is therefore an attempt to answer that question in the affirmative, by providing a model to help GCs build outstanding legal teams and accelerate not only the GC’s development, but the development of the entire legal team.

To receive detailed information about our esteemed trainers and a comprehensive brochure, kindly provide us with your contact details below, and we will be delighted to share these exclusive resources with you in a professional manner.

ALTERNATIVELY, YOU CAN CONTACT US ON (+91)9137093646/aaron@keymasterclass.com